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Secretary of State directed to notify Senators elected to fill vacancies, 149
" to lay banks returns before the Senate, 169
" to cause 200 copies of returns to be printed, 181
" to require returns from Bath & Kennebunk Banks, 182
" to notify President of Castin Bank to appear & show cause &c. 198
" same in Wiscasset Bank, 204
Same in Hallowell & Augusta Bank 208
" to notify Senator elected to Congress, 220
" to inform Govr of the election of Major General 4th Divis. 331
" to return to the Senate certain bills in his office, passed to be engrossed 252, 367
Senate, vacancies in filled by convention - 142, 149, 169, 180
president of pro tempore, chosen 339
pay roll of how made up, 363
journal, order for printing 337
Senators chosen to fill vacancies 169, notified 149, qualified 169, 180
Senator in Congress - when and how chose, & notified, 162, 200, 218, 220
Sittings of the two houses -  times &c. 175, 260, 289

Revision as of 19:40, 18 July 2019

[S] Secretary of State directed to notify Senators elected to fill vacancies, 149 " to lay banks returns before the Senate, 169 " to cause 200 copies of returns to be printed, 181 " to require returns from Bath & Kennebunk Banks, 182 " to notify President of Castin Bank to appear & show cause &c. 198 " same in Wiscasset Bank, 204 Same in Hallowell & Augusta Bank 208 " to notify Senator elected to Congress, 220 " to inform Govr of the election of Major General 4th Divis. 331 " to return to the Senate certain bills in his office, passed to be engrossed 252, 367

Senate, vacancies in filled by convention - 142, 149, 169, 180 president of pro tempore, chosen 339 pay roll of how made up, 363 journal, order for printing 337 Senators chosen to fill vacancies 169, notified 149, qualified 169, 180

Senator in Congress - when and how chose, & notified, 162, 200, 218, 220 Sittings of the two houses - times &c. 175, 260, 289