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(Created page with "A-NUM-SUNK-HUN-OUN Was the Name of the Island " ' hle h the Penob8cots Sold - I t is Now Oldtown. Wc were shown last week the copy of a vel'y ancient dced from the Penobscot...")
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[No strikethrough.  A newspaper clipping is laid on the upper left corner of the page, and reads as follows:]
Was the Name of the Island " ' hle h the
Penob8cots Sold - I t is Now Oldtown.
Wc were shown last week the copy of
a vel'y ancient dced from the Penobscot
tlibe of ludians to John Mal'sh, Jr., in
whidl it appeal's 1 hat in ,Tilly ri9a, a
eOlllmittee of said tribe, con s i~ting of
.Jo~t'ph P .. or MeMann. Sockaheema and
Jost'lJh l'is,'IIU. conveys to said Ma;s h II
et'rtaill pareel of land ealled A-nuIII-sU1;khun-gun I ~lallLl, in t'on~ideration of thirty
bushel!! of )!ood" Indian cor", to be delivered in the pres 'nCll of one Jere Colhurn. This Island,r',r which this falmlous
"um waR paid, was none other than Marsh
island. whue Oldtown now stands and
which ,n t,erlitory compri:oes ahout 'one- i
sixth of Orono, or the portiol1 known I'S ,
the i"land sidt~. a. ,d about one-fourth of j
the terdtory of Oltltown, incluui ,'g the
entire villa~e; also the 1"land side of
I Upper Stillwater ami Greatworks, as
well as that part of 01'Ono kuown as
Web~ter. On the fifth Mnd twelfth dars
of the following October, a council of
chiefs was held at the hOl1~e of Hobert
Treat, Esq" to ratify the salol. whit·1J was
done with gn"at [OJ'mali Y fifter due d,·liberation, and the chic fs pach affixed to
his namp, which was written byanOl.her
hi" pl'culiar mark, The \\ itne~~es we r~
Rohert Treat. Jere Colburn and Z, Mal'sh .
.The .. hief" were 0I'OUO, the bille-evp<l
chief f .... wholll Oro"" is lIallled. Esqilire
AUling. Non-o-wau !!U,,'tt anti i::locktolIIah. MallY of the lineal desc. ·udallts of
J"hn lIhll··h 11lld Jt're Colllul'D s liil live ill
Ol'ono, whe e 1l0.lIe members of Mr. eelbnl'l1's falllily SI)eut a part of the year
Was the Name of the Island Which the Penobscots Sold - It is Now Oldtown.
We were shown last week the copy of a very ancient deed from the Penobscot tribe of Indians to John Marsh, Jr., in which it appears that in July 1793, a committee of said tribe, consisting of Joseph Poor McMann, Sockabeema, and Joseph Pischu, conveys to said Marsh, a certain parcel of land called A-num-sunk-hun-gun Island, in consideration of thirty bushels of good Indian corn, to be delivered in the presence of one Jere Colburn. This island, for which this fabulous sum was paid, was none other than Marsh Island, where Oldtown now stands, and which in territory comprises about one-sixth of Orono, or the portion known as the island side, and about one-fourth of the territory of Oldtown, including the entire village; also the island side of Upper Stillwater and Greatworks, as well as that part of Orono known as Webster. On the fifth and twelfth days of the following October, a council of chiefs was held at the house of Robert Treat, Esq., to ratify the sale, which was done with great formality after due deliberation, and the chiefs each affixed to his name, which was written by another, his peculiar mark. The witnesses were Robert Treat, Jere Colburn and Z. Marsh. The chiefs were Orono, the blue-eyed chief for whom Orono is named, Esquire Ausing, Non-o-wau gus'rt and Socktomah.  Many if the lineal descendants of John Marsh and Jere Colburn still live in Orono, where some members of Mr. Colburn's family spent a part of the year 1774.
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Revision as of 21:26, 14 February 2020

[No strikethrough. A newspaper clipping is laid on the upper left corner of the page, and reads as follows:]


Was the Name of the Island Which the Penobscots Sold - It is Now Oldtown.

We were shown last week the copy of a very ancient deed from the Penobscot tribe of Indians to John Marsh, Jr., in which it appears that in July 1793, a committee of said tribe, consisting of Joseph Poor McMann, Sockabeema, and Joseph Pischu, conveys to said Marsh, a certain parcel of land called A-num-sunk-hun-gun Island, in consideration of thirty bushels of good Indian corn, to be delivered in the presence of one Jere Colburn. This island, for which this fabulous sum was paid, was none other than Marsh Island, where Oldtown now stands, and which in territory comprises about one-sixth of Orono, or the portion known as the island side, and about one-fourth of the territory of Oldtown, including the entire village; also the island side of Upper Stillwater and Greatworks, as well as that part of Orono known as Webster. On the fifth and twelfth days of the following October, a council of chiefs was held at the house of Robert Treat, Esq., to ratify the sale, which was done with great formality after due deliberation, and the chiefs each affixed to his name, which was written by another, his peculiar mark. The witnesses were Robert Treat, Jere Colburn and Z. Marsh. The chiefs were Orono, the blue-eyed chief for whom Orono is named, Esquire Ausing, Non-o-wau gus'rt and Socktomah. Many if the lineal descendants of John Marsh and Jere Colburn still live in Orono, where some members of Mr. Colburn's family spent a part of the year 1774.