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(Created page with "IIECEIV DA, •. Dixfield. :·aine ,:3-ec-e1":ber 7, 1S40 . Office of tL~ \djutant General, "Uf-Usta,:'ain e, l\.tt:C:=i:;:it.~ly de ·1 . ::etcalf. !:y :Jear Sir:...")
Line 1: Line 1:
RECEIVED A.G.O. Dec 9 1940
Dixfield, Maine, December 7, 1940
Office of the Adjutant General,
Augusta, Maine,
Att: Capt. Clyde W. Metcalf.
My Dear Sir:
Dixfield. :·aine ,:3-ec-e1":ber 7, 1S40 .
As contact man for the group to guard against subsersive activities here I respectfully report to you the following;-
One Maurice R. Carl, Civil Engineer and a former employee of the Berst-Forster-Dixfield Company, has left for safe keeping with a resident here a series of maps and reports dealing with the Panama Canal. A copy of his memoranda concerning same is enclosed. Their dates might indicate no present significance but if you desire to check further I will place you in contact with the keeper of these maps and furnish any additional information which you might desire.  
Office of tL~ \djutant General,
The second case concerns one Daniel W. Triem; he admits his pro-Nazi sentiments and has been known to make some virulent criticism of all things American. He is a native of Pennsylvania, automobile license number 894 R O, and what his real business here is nobody seems to know. The people where he boarded can furnish detailed account of his nightly activities. For the time being he is staying in Gorham, New Hampshire; his address being general delivery at that place
"Uf-Usta,:'ain e,
Yours Respectfully,
l\.tt:C:=i:;:it.~ly de ·1 . ::etcalf.
[signature is hand-written]
!:y :Jear Sir:
Wm. W. Eustis,
Dixfield, Maine
'\.~ contact r'm for the group to guard· against subsersive activities here I respectfully report to you the follov:ing; Cne l,:aurice 71 . Carl,Civil 'Sngineer and a former eoployee
of tte ~~flst-~orste r-Dixfield 8o~pany,Las left for safe keeping
ri t11 a resice:nt r.ere a series of r:-.a;_)s and re~x)rts c.ealir..g vvi th tl:.e
cor,y of his r::emoranda co:icer::.:ing sar.-;e is e1 closed.
Fru:ara :anal .
~heir dates might tnai~ate no present sign.ificaLce cut if you desire to creek further I ,.;11 place you in contect with the keeper
of these .,...,_a"'s and furnish any additional inforf"lation wLicl you. migtt
The second case concerns one Daniel '.'l . I'riem;l1e admits
bis ryro-_-azi senti~ents and has bee:i. knon:_ to rr.ake some virulent
cr-i ticisl!l of all thinr-s merica."'1 . ':~e is a native of re1 . .nsylvania,
autorr'obile 1 i cense numcef 89~ R C, a.-rid w .i.at his real business here
is nobody seel!ls to know. I'he people v'here he boarded can f'..lrnisl1
detailed accou~t oi' his r-igr.tly activities. ,. or t1 e time beiri.g e
is staying ir Gor~am,: ev' raripsLire;hi. s address beir:d general delivery
~.t that place
,Jn.;:1. :::ust:.s,
:Jixfie ld, I.:aine

Revision as of 16:47, 7 March 2019

RECEIVED A.G.O. Dec 9 1940 Dixfield, Maine, December 7, 1940 Office of the Adjutant General, Augusta, Maine, Att: Capt. Clyde W. Metcalf. My Dear Sir:

As contact man for the group to guard against subsersive activities here I respectfully report to you the following;- One Maurice R. Carl, Civil Engineer and a former employee of the Berst-Forster-Dixfield Company, has left for safe keeping with a resident here a series of maps and reports dealing with the Panama Canal. A copy of his memoranda concerning same is enclosed. Their dates might indicate no present significance but if you desire to check further I will place you in contact with the keeper of these maps and furnish any additional information which you might desire. The second case concerns one Daniel W. Triem; he admits his pro-Nazi sentiments and has been known to make some virulent criticism of all things American. He is a native of Pennsylvania, automobile license number 894 R O, and what his real business here is nobody seems to know. The people where he boarded can furnish detailed account of his nightly activities. For the time being he is staying in Gorham, New Hampshire; his address being general delivery at that place Yours Respectfully, [signature is hand-written] Wm. W. Eustis, Dixfield, Maine