Bill additional for the preservation of fish in Penobscot river, 464, 468. -"- to incorporate the Thomaston Meadow Lime Rock Company, 464, 468, 477. -"- additional respecting Pounds and impounding beasts going at large or damage feasant & stray beasts, 466. -"- further to regulate the fees of County Attornies 467, 468, 478, 483. -"- additional to promote the sale and settlement of public lands, 473, 474, 477. -"- additional concerning Meeting houses 474, 478. -"- to authorize the cession of jurisdiction and real estate to the United States in certain cases 474, 477, 483. -"- for the further regulation of Banks 475. -"- additional for the regulation of Banks and Banking 476. -"- to regulate the sale of Rye and Indian meal 479, 483. -"- to provide for the expenditures of government 479, 487. -"- to establish a State Bank, 483.