J.A.P. Esq. that as he goes for Justice, he must give [ and act?] on opportunity to make one more effort altho I believe the celebrated [Confiscation?] resolves are now in the hands of a competent [c____?] who has not yet seen fit to launch out into the world their report, of course their report will have a great [might] upon [c______s] and the Country [underlined] at [underlined] large[underlined] John [Teadie?] Esq having recently united the army of the Potomac will fire you if [de____'ll] in detail all the statistics as regards the trials and troubles now Existing in the various Maine Regiments in the field. I am happy to add however, that the trials at present are few and the troubles fewer. Col n Varney [?] desires toe be remembered to you. The reason I did not earlier send the