Maine, Resolutions relating to the discussion of Slavery in the State of, 295, 336, 409. -"- Stock and Pattern Farm Company, Bill to incorporate 33. -"- Scythe & Shovel Manufacturing Company, Bill to incorporate 168, 328, 336, 371. -"- Teachers Seminary, Resolve for the endowment of, 280, 335, 370, 480. Manufacturing Companies, Bill additional respecting 33, 124, 132, 143, 150, 170. Manufactures and Traders Bank, Bill to increase the Capital Stock of, 197, 384, 422, 465. Market House across Kenduskeag Stream, Bill authorizing the City of Bangor to build 406, 416, 437. -"- -"- Company, Central, Bill to incorporate 417, 428, 450. Mariaville, Bill to incorporate the town of, 236, 244, 274. Marine Insurance Company, Exchange Fire, Bill to incorporate 296, 328, 353. -"- -"- -"- Waldo, Fire, Bill to incorporate 107, 110, 145. Mars Hill Road, reported of William Dollard Jr. agent on 179 -"- -"- -"- Resolve for the preservation of 310, 318, 360. Manual Labor High School & Pattern Farm Company, Marine, Bill to establish 451, 454, 460 Martin, Robert, chosen Messenger 4, compensation of 473. Mason, John, communication from Land agent respecting 248. Massachusetts, Resolutions of, in relation to N.E. Boundary 425, 464. Mattanawcook Rail Road Corporation, Bill to incorporate 368, 400, 406, 441. Mattawamkeag river, Bill to repeal an act respecting lumber in, 406, 416, 437. Maxwell, Robert, Resolve in favor of 468, 476. Mayfield, Bill to incorporate the town of, 278, 287, 330. Meal, Rye and Indian, Bill to regulate the sale of, 479, 483. Measurers of salt corn and grain, Bill to authorize aldermen & Selectmen to appoint, 266, 272, 312. Mecanies Bank, Bill to incorporate 187, 385, 427, 438, 455. Medomah -"- -"- -"- 197, 385, 413, 444, 456, 471.