1164 A. (cont) is good, all extremely satisfactory as one. Q. Whether if any article of food was not sufficiently supplied or was not a proper quality, you have any remedy? A. I have Q. What would it be? A. Condemn it and go to the steward and treasurer. Q. Suppose he had furnished no more or no butter after that? A. Go to the trustee. Q. That would be your last resort? A. Yes sir. Q. Have you any fear to do so? A. No sir, not a mite. Q. Has the officer who has occupied the place of steward for the past years always obeyed you in regard to the purchase of food? A. In every respect that I have required Q. Purchased enough and good enough? A. Yes sir Q. Do you sometimes give instructions as to the purchase of food? A. I do Q. Do you do this always in a public way so that all the employees and officers of the hospital would be likely to know it, or give it to the officer whose business it is to carry out your wish?