they denied the commission of the offence? I apprehend in neither case would such a course be justifiable.
It would be monstrous for the States to act upon the principle, that the provision in the Constitution under consideration does not apply to offenders who are able to make their escape from the State in which the crime charged against them was committed, before an accusation could be made; or to such as enter a neighboring State apparently for a lawful purpose, and after having made preperation to leave it, perpetrate the offence and depart forthwith. Such a course would give rise to, and encourage difficulties of enormous magnitude among citizens of conterminous States, thwart the wise and philanthropic purposes of the constitution and lead to consequences fatal to the peace of the country. Every reason is in favor of the construction placed by me on the constitution. The convenience of the accused party should never be consulted. If he is wronged by the prosecution his redress is ample.
Your Excellency will oblige me by giving this subject your early attention.
I have the honor to be your obedt. servant.
Charles J McDonald
His Excellency
Edward Kent- Governor of Maine.