The Court-martial being convened, will proceed to the trial of such officer, or officers, as may be brought before them; and of their doings, they are directed to make due report to the Major-General of the aforesaid Division, as soon as convenience will admit.
Brigadier-General Sewall will please to notify Capt. Edmund Greenleaf, of the time and place of said Court's sitting, and direct his attendance; and also to take the necess ary measures for collecting the evidences, requisite to sub- stantiate the charges exhibited, or which may be exhibited against said Greenleaf, who in particular is to be tried by said Court.
By order of Major-General Dearborn
Barzillai Gannett, Aid de Camp. _______________________
Brigade Orders -- second Brigade, 8. Division. Augusta, Nov. 10. 1798.
The officers to compose the Court-martial appointed by the Division Order of the 3. instant, will be furnished by detail, as follows:
Lieutenant-colonel Commandant John Chandler, president