Afternoon - met according to adjournment.
[mode of transmitting Messages & papers]
Ordered that all messages between the two Houses be communicated by the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House of Representatives respectively; and that all papers be transmitted by them or their assistants. Read & passed - sent up for concurrence.
[Assistant Clerk]
Ordered that the Clerk of the House of Representatives be requested to appoint forthwith an Assistant Clerk to aid him in his duties. Read and passed.
[monitors appointed]
The Speaker announced his appointment of the following members as Monitors viz. Mr Chase of Livermore for the Eastern Division Mr Purrington of Bowdoin " " Middle do Mr McIntire of York " " Western "
[member qualified]
Jacob Ludwig Junr. of Waldoboro' appeared, was qualified and took his seat as a Representative from said town.
Robert McIntire of Cushing appeared, was qualified and took his seat as a Representative.
[Votes for Governor laid on Senate board]
The Deputy Secretary of State came in and informed the House that he had laid upon the table of the Senate board the returns of votes made to the Office of Secretary of State for Governor the ensuing year.
Ordered that tomorrow at 10 o'clock be assigned as