The committee on engrossed Bills, reported as duly engrossed Bills additional an act providing for the due observation of the Lords day - respecting electors of Representatives in classed districts - explanatory of an act entitled an act to ongoing governor & discipline the militia - which were severally passed to be enacted. Sent up for concurrence.
[Resolves finally passed]
The same committee reported as duly engrossed - resolves - on the petition of the Selectmen of NewCastle - providing for the apportionment of County taxes in certain cases - in favor of Ellias Thomas - making valid certain proceedings of the town of Thomaston - in favor of the Secretary of State - on petition of Alfred Gates & als for a road thro' township No' 1 & 2. - providing for the collective of demands assigned by Massh to Maine - were severally finally passed. Sent up for concurrence.
[Bill - inland Bills of Exchange]
Bill additional to an act regulating damages on inland Bills of Exchange which passed this House in a new draft 18th inst. came from the Senate amended for concurrence - The House concurred & further amended the Bill at S and passed the same to be engrossed as thus amended Sent up for concurrence.
[Bill - to prevent foreigners from cutting timber on public lands]
Bill to prevent foreignors from cutting timber on the lands belonging to the Passamaquoddy Indians, came from the Senate - The House read the same 1. 2. & 3d time & passed the same to be engrossed with an amendment at S. Sent up for concurrence.
[Resolve - Cumberland Bank]
Resolve authorizing Cumberland Bank to increase their capital Stock under certain restrictions was read once & referred to Messrs Williams, Sturdivant & Lord.
[Bill - tax of $ 45120..57.]
Bill to apportion & assess on this State a tax of $45120"57 which passed this House on 17th inst, came from the Senate amended at A & B & the House concurred & further amended the bill at C.D.E.F.G.H&K. Sent up for concurrence.
Attest James L Child, Clerk.