R. continued.
Resolves - continued -
- on petition of Thomas Stevens Junr 128. 133. 138.
- on petition of John Glidden Junr 129. 135.
- in favor of Jedidiah Herrick 133. 136. 146.
- on pet. of Sarah Pike & Israel Pike, Adm' of John Pike. 128. 135.
- requiring Selectmen to return a list of ministerial land in their towns. 139. 145. 150.
- authorizing a road from No 4 North of Bingham purchase to Baskahegan river. 141. 146. 152. 158.
- in favor of Samuel F Hussey & Jackson Davis 141. 146. 150.
- in favor of Secretary of State 142. 171. 178.
- for the settlement of the line between Lyman & Alfred 143. 150.
- in favor of the Adjutant General 144. 149. 157. 176.
- in favor of James J Boyd. 150. 152. 161.
- on petition of Archelaus Lewis & John Gordon 156. 161.
- authorizing the Governor to open a road thro the States Land in the County of Washington. 157. 161.
- disapproving the amendment to the Constitution proposed by Georgia 157. 161
- increasing the capital stock of the Cumberland Bank 158. 165. 178. 185. 186.
- authorizing the Governor to negotiate with Penobscot Indians for the transfer of their Islands to State 159. 161.
- laying a tax on the several Counties 161. 194. 199. 203. 205.