grant of a Lottery &c, granting leave to bring in a bill came down accepted for concurrence - & the House concurred.
[Report - David Prince & als]
Report on petition of David Prince & als granting a Bill came down accepted for concurrence - & the House concurred.
[Bill - additional to divide North Yarmouth]
Bill in addition to an act entitled an act to divide the town of North Yarmouth, & incorporate the westerly part thereof into a town by the name of Cumberland -was read a 1st & 2d time & Tuesday next at 11 oclock assigned for a 3d readings & referred to Messrs Williams, Wilkins & Hutchins.
[Remonstrance of Westbrook]
Remonstrance of Westbrook against the annexation of David Winslow & als to Portland, was read & referred to the committee on the incorporation of towns. Sent up for concurrence.
[Bill - South West bend Bridge]
Bill providing for the preservation of South West bend Bridge, was read a 3d time & passed to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence.
[Committee - abolishing C.C.P. &c &c]
On motion of Mr Chase Ordered that Messrs Wallingford, Todd, Corwell of Whitefield, McCrillis, Crane, Moore, Chase, Parlin & McCall be a committee to consider the expediency of abolishing the C.C. Pleas & transferring their powers to the Supreme Judicial Court, & further to consider what number of Judges it may be expedient to add to the S.J. Court with leave to report by bill or otherwise - read & passed.
[Rep. R.H Greene]
The committee on the order of the 18th inst. and the petition of Reuben H Green & als on the subject of the location of the Courts in York County - reported a Resolve - report read and accepted.
[Resolve - Courts in York]
Resolve relating to the location of the Courts in the