to Industry, which passed this House today, came from the Senate with amendments for concurrence - and the House concurred.
[Bill mode of making Bank Returns -]
Bill directing the mode & time of making returns of Banks, was read a 3d time & passed to be engrossed in concurrence with Senate.
[Bill - respecting academics]
Bill respecting Academics incorporated within this State, was read a 3d time & passed in a new draft to be engrossed, Sent up for concurrence.
[Bill - additional to divide North Yarmouth &c]
The committee of conference on the pact of the House on the Bill addition to an act entitled an act to divide the town of North Yarmouth & incorporate the westerly part thereof into a town by the name of Cumberland" reported that the House adhere to their vote referring said Bill to the next Legislature - report accepted.
Adjourned until nine oclock tomorrow morning
James L Child