House further amended the Bill by adding a new sixth section, passed it to be engrossed & sent it up for concurrence.
[Bill to divide County of Lincoln]
Bill to divide the County of Lincoln & to erect a new County by the name of Bowdoin, was read 1st & 2d time - when a notice was made to strike out the words, " Brunswick & Harpswell" and insert the words "And" at A, which prevailed - 65 pro. 57 con.
[return -]
Mr Perringotn of Bowdoin gave notice that he should move a reconsideration of the last vote at 10 oclock tomorrow.
[Committee - pay of engrossing Clerks.]
On motion of Mr Williams, Ordered, that Messrs Williams, McIntire & Pesley be a committee to prepare a Resolve providing for the payment of the engrossing Clerks & scribe to the Legislature - read & passed.
[Committee on military accounts]
On motion of Mr Pike, - Ordered that Messrs Moore, Ludwig & Clark be a committee to investigate all military accounts not fully adjusted by the committee accounts, read & passed.
[Committee - contingent fund -]
On motion of Mr Crowell of Whitefield - Ordered that Mess Adams of P. Crowell of Waterville & White be a committee to report what sum shall be placed as a contingent fund at this disposal of the Governor - read & passed.
[Bill - state tax]
Bill to apportion and assess on this State a tax of $ 4331"64 which passed this House 5th inst came from the Senate with an amendment for concurrence & the House concurred.
[Bill - fee bill]
Bill additional to an act establishing & regulating the fees of certain officers therein mentioned, was read a 3d time & passed as in a new draft to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence.
Adjourned until 9 oclock tomorrow morning,
James L Child