priety [?] to encourage the establishment of such factories as will afford ud those articles of necessity, for which we have been dependent on a foreign supply, will be in accordance with the best interests of the community. It is, however, on the general government that we are mainly, to depend for protection and encouragement to commence and manufactures. The regulation of the former being particularity confided to congress by the national constitution, cannot be a subject of State Legislation. Our extensive connexion in navigation will under every measure of the general government, that may affect the commercial relations of the country interesting to our citizens. Maine has already become the third State in the Union in print of tonnage, and the official returns show its annual increase to be far greater than in either of the other States. Our industrious ship builders find constant employment, and our forests ensure us an abundant supply of materials for their use, as well as an important and staple article of exportation ; and our hardy enterprising fishermen, both bank and coast