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B. continued. Bills - continued. " additional to an act entitled an act additional to an act for relief of Poor Debtors. 164. 173. " to apportion & assess a Tax of $45106"84. 169. 173. 188. " additional to an act to establish a Municipal Court in the town of Portland. 171. 177. 180. " to set off certain lands from Mount Vernon to Readfield. 172. 179. 186. " creating a fund for paying the State debt & for other purposes 173. " additional to an act regulating Judicial Process & proceedings. 173. " in addition to an act for the settlement of certain equitable claims arising in real actions. 174. 181. " granting certain privileges to the town of Islesboro'. 175. 179. 186. " to incorporate the Proprietors of the Brunswick force pump Waterworks. 175. 178. 186. " in addition to an act to establish the Cumberland & Oxford Canal Corporation. 179. 185. 192. " in addition to an act to prevent & punish Trespasses. 179. 155. 194. " authorizing the town of Bangor to purchase the Bridge over Kenduskeag River in said town. 180. 185. 194. " to establish the Penobscot Boom Corporation. 182. 191. 196. " providing for the distribution of copies of the Constitution of this State & U States to be used in Schools. 186. 190. 194. " authorizing the town of Portland to assess a tax on the owners of Dogs. 188. 190. 194. " additional to an act to promote the sale & settlement of the public lands. 191. 193. 199. " to prevent the destruction of shoals or beds of lobsters about the Bay at the mouth of Saco River. 187. 192. " to change the name of certain persons 192. 196. 199. " in addition to an act to secure rent to lessors of house lots & mill privileges - 195. 197. 199. 200. 202. " to prevent Drunkenness - 197.

C. Carpenter, Walter P, ordered to vacate his seat until - 15. 24. 26. Chaplains - 9. 22. Child, James L, elected Clerk. 6. Clerk, elected. -. 6. additional pay to 199. - 6. 199. Clark, Daniel, employed as Scribe. 28. Conventions - proposed and held. - 14. 16. ib. 19. 20. 32. 43. 44. 48. 66. Counsellors - 16. 19. ib. 20. 31. 32. 43. 47. 48. 65. 66. Committees - joint standing, appointed. 17. " standing committees of House 20. " vacancies in filled. 19. 23. 41. 90. 129. 134. " of Elections 15. 24. 43. 34. 57. " on Engrossed Bills & Bills in 3d Reading to consist of five. 16. Conferences. 45. 187. 191. 193. 197. 198. 199. 200.