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14 Saturday January 7. 1832

Met according to adjournment

Ordered that the committee on contested elections be instructed to inquire whether any person now holding a seat in this House, also holds or held at the time of his qualification as a member of this House any office of profit under this State other than those offices excepted by the constitution, and if any such case exists forthwith to report the facts to this House.

Remonstrance against the right of John Chandler to hold a seat in this House was read and referred to the Committee on contested elections

Ordered that the committee on contested elections be instructed to inquire into the right of Hames H. Haines to a seat in this House as a Representative from the District of Unity, Troy and Burnham and report as soon as may be

The Committee appointed to employ some suitable person to perform the duties of Door keeper and Page reported that they have employed Thomas Baker, which was read and accepted

The Committee on contested elections who were instructed to inquire whether any person now holding a seat in this House also holds or held at the time of his qualification as a member of this House any office under the United States or office of profit under this State other than those offices excepted by the constitution, made a report which was read & accepted

On motion of Mr Clifford of Newfield the vote whereby the foregoing report was accepted, was reconsidered and the