and of Charles Baker and others to the Committee on State Roads and refer the same to the Committee on Claims - Sent up for concurrence.
Bill additional regulating the tolls on Stillwater Canal and also extending the time for completing the same was taken up and the same having had three several readings passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the Senate - sent up.
Petition of Bath Bank for continuance of time to close their concerns - were read and referred to the Committee on Banks and Banking in concurrence with the Senate - sent up.
Remonstrance of the town of Phippsburg against the Petition of Greenleaf White and others was read and referred to the Committee who have that subject under consideration in concurrence with the Senate
Communication for the Secretary of State transmitting the Returns of the expence of making and repairing Roads and Bridges in the several towns and plantations and the city of Portland in this State came from the Senate referred to the Committee prescribing the mode of making and repairing Highways for concurrence and the house concurred - sent up.