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Bill - an act in addition to an act to regulate the jurisdiction and proceedings of the Court of Probate was taken up and recommitted of the delegation in the House from the County of Washington.

Bill an Act establishing Howland came from the Senate that body insisting upon their vote referring the same to the next Legislature proposing a conference and appointing conferees on their part Messrs Fish, Emmons & Smith - and the House agreed to the conference and on their part appointed as conferees Messrs Carpenter of Howland, McCrate of Nobleboro & Chase of Sebec. Resolves relating to a survey of Androscoggin River was read a 2d time & passed to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence.

Bill an act to incorporate the Maine Episcopal Missionary Society was read a 1st & 2d time and tomorrow at 10 oclock assigned for a 3d reading

Resolve in favor of the Passamaquoddy Indians was read a 2d time & passed to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence.

Report on petition of Ebenezer F Bacon & others that legislation on the subject is inexpedient was accepted in concurrence with the Senate.

Report on Resolve providing for the purchase of a site for the greenhouse in Paris referring the same to the next Legislature, was accepted in concurrence with the Senate.

Report on bill to establish an institution for the purpose of promoting the object of instruction and science