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32. [upper left corner] Petition of John Agry and others to be incorpo- rated into a town by the name of Hallowell Port; " of Samuel Andrews and others to be incorporated into a town; " of Ebenezer Sawyer and others that township No. eight in the ninth range. [?] Wal- do Patent, may be incorporated into a town by the name of Elliotsville; " of Nathan Preston Jr. and others, that part of plantation No. fourteen in the County of Washington may be incorporated into a town, severally read, and, with the ac- companying papers, referred to the Com- mittee on Incorporation of Towns. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

Petition of James Leighton and others to be set off from Pittsfield to Hartland; " of Thomas M. Webber and others to be set off from Bremen to Bristol; " of Solomon M. Kenney and others for an alteration of town line; " of Samuel Crockett to set off from Frankfort to Prospect; " of Joseph Stackpole and others to be an- nexed to Albion; " of Inhabitants of Brownfield to have part of the town of Denmark annexed to Brown field; " of Benjamin Holbrook and others to be set off from the town of Stark to the town of Mercer; " of Henry Dodge and others to be set off