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19. Friday January 8th 1836

Met according to adjournment.

Mr Holmes from the Committee to whom was referred the subject of the joint Rules & Orders, Reported in part that the 55th Rule of the House and 23d Rule of the Senate be so far amended that instead of a Joint Standing Committee on "Turnpikes Bridges & Canals" there be the three following joint Standing Committees to wit: On Roads & Bridges On Canals & Railroads On Interior Waters which report was read & accepted. Sent up for concurrence.

Remonstrances of Isaac Richards " James M Lincoln " G.W. Newbegin against the right of Frederic Hobbs to a seat in this House as a member from Eastport, was read & referred to the Committee on Elections.

On motion of Mr Holmes of Alfred Ordered That a Committee be appointed to report Rules & Orders for the government of the House and Messrs Holmes of Alfred, Tobin of Hartford Perkins of Kennebunkport, Lake of Bucksport and Steward of Anson were appointed said Committee.

Agreeably to assignment the two Houses met in Convention & proceeded to ballot for one person to fill the vacancy at the Senate Board from the tenth Senatorial District - and on counting the ballots given in, it appeared that the whole number was One hundred and seventy eight - necessary to constitute an election ninety - that Levi Johnson had