XXVIII Titles of Resolves passed A.D. 1835. Resolve in favor of the Passamaquoddy Indians.
" for the purchase and distribution of Fairfield's Reports.
" relative to the election of Senators.
" in favor of Gideon Robinson.
" in favor of Israel Davis and Jacob M. Russell.
An additional Resolve for the relief of the town Hartland.
" for the repair of the Gunhouse in Brunswick.
" in favor of George Sawtell.
" in favor of Dominicus Libbey.
" in favor of Peol Toma and Captain Atian, Penobscot Indians.
" in favor of Henry L. Noyes.
" relating to a Rail Road from some point on the Seaboard, or connected with the Seaboard by navigable waters to Quebec.
" providing for the purchase and distribution of Greenleaf's Reports.
" for the relief of Joseph Carter.