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rate the Umbagog Company - read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

Bill to incorporate the Bark Extract Corporation was read the second time and the same on motion of Mr. Staples was laid upon the table.

Bill to incorporate the Madace- -unk Mill Company, on motion of Mr. Johnson was taken up and amen- -ded; of which the House was informed by Message and their concurrence reques- -ted. Concurred,

Bill to authorize Jesse Russell Junr and Bernard C. Bailey to build a dam across tide waters in the town of Wood- wich (reported by Mr. Miller from the Committee on Interior Waters on petition of Jesse Russell and others; Bill to incorporate the Kennebunk

  Port Granite and Rail Road
  Company (reported by Mr.
  Benson from the Committee
  on Rail Roads and Canals
  on petition of B. F. Mason + others

-"- to incorporate the Frankfort Steam

  Mill, Wharf and Ware House Cor-
  -poration (reported by Mr. Miller
  from the Committee on Inte-
  -rior Waters, on petition of Benja-
  -min Shaw and others;

-"- to incorporate the South Berwick