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Petition of David McGregor in behalf of the trustees of the Falmouth Academy for aid, Remonstrance of Alfred Marshall and others against the granting an Academy in Vassalborough - severally read and referred to the Committee on Literature and Literary Institutions, in concurrence.

Bill to incorporate the proprietors of the Forest Grove Cemetery was, on motion of Mr. Chandler, taken up and ordered to be reengrossed as amended of which the House were informed by message, and their concurrence requested. Concurred.

Mr. O'Brien, from the Committee on Division of Towns, reported notice to next Legislature on petition of Nathaniel Brackett and others, and leave to withdraw on petition of David Marble and others -- read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

Bill concerning mortgages of personal property and property subject to any lien created by law was read the second time, and on motion of Mr. Barnard the same was referred to Messrs Barnard, Greene of York and Burnham.

Preamble and Resolves in relation to the United States Bank Was, on motion of Mr. Greene of Somerset, taken up and read the second time. And the question of passing the same to be engrossed, being ordered to be taken by yeas and nays, was decided in the affirmative as follows, to wit: YEAS. Messrs Allen, Bartlett, Brown, Burnham, Chandler, Fish, F. Greene, C. Greene, Latham, Manter, Miller, McIntire, Pierce, Purinton, Smith & Tobin. 16.

NAYS. Messrs Barnard, Emmons, Farnham, McLellan, O'Brien, Prescott, Randall, and Read. 8.