346. Resolve authorizing the Treasurer to pay a portion of the public Debt, " in relation to the public Acts and Resolves, " respecting the first Cumberland Turnpike Corporation, " in favor of the Judge and Register of Probate in the County of Washington, " additional relating to the Blind, " authorizing the appointment of certain officers, " authorizing Attornies in the Court of Common Pleas to practice in the Supreme Judicial Court in certain cases, " for establishing a Board of Internal Improvements, and the same were severally finally passed.
On motion of Mr. Smith, Ordered, that when the Senate next adjourn they adjourn without day, and that a message be sent to the House informing them of the same and request their concurrence -- which message was delivered by the Secretary.
Mr. Holmes came in with a message from the House informing the Senate that the House had nonconcurrence the Senate in their proposition and had laid the order, or message to adjourn without day, on the table.
The report of the Joint Select Committee to which were referred sundry petitions and remonstrances of Female Citizens of sundry towns came up -- the House recede from their vote ordering the report to be printed, and again insist upon the vote accepting the report. Mr. Randall moved to recede and concur; and the question of receding and concurring, being ordered to be taken by yeas