266. Messrs. Webb of Windham, Tibbets of Lisbon, Howe of Mexico, Johnson of Cornish, Jewett of Portland, Emerson of Calais, and Vose of Knox are joined.
Bill to incorporate the town of West. " to incorporate the town of Roxbury, " additional relative to laying out and making highways (new Draft) " to incorporate the owners of Meeting houses and for other purposes (as amended), " additional to provide for the location of certain lands, Resolve making appropriations for certain military purposes, severally read the second time and passed to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.
Bill to report an "Act to annex to the town of New Portland sundry lots of land lying in New Vineyard," was read the second time and passed to be engrossed, in concurrence.
The Committee on Engrossed Bills reported as correctly engrossed, Bill in addition to an Act to incorporate the City of Bangor, and the same was passed to be enacted.
On motion of Mr. Prescott, Ordered, that when the Senate adjourn, they so far dispense with the order relative to an afternoon session as to adjourn till Monday morning at nine o'clock; and the Senate accordingly Adjourned.
Attest, William Trafton, Secretary.