Burnham, John, elected Counsellor 19, notified 20, acceptance 82, qualified 83. Burlington, Resolve in favor of the trustees of the town of, 150, 159, 182. Buildings, public, Resolve appointing a Superintendent of 467, 468, 476. Business, unfinished, laid upon the table by the Secretary 19, referred 28.
Bills. Bills providing for the election of County Commissioners 28, 109. -"- regulating attachment on real estate 28, 102. -"- additional to an act relating to the settlement & support of the Poor 28, 102. -"- establishing an academy at Princeton 28, 209. -"- to incorporate the Agricultural Bank 28, 196, 384, 396, 471. -"- to incorporate the town of Bridgeport 29, 155. -"- to set off a tract of land from Lewiston to Greene 30, 417, 428, 452. -"- to protect persons from damage in their mowing, gardeners &c 32. -"- to incorporate the Maine Stock and Pattern Farm Company 33. -"- additional respecting manufacturing companies 33, 124, 132, 143, 150, 170 -"- additional providing for the punishment of certain crimes 34 -"- relative to appropriators of money 55, 71, 163, 169. -"- providing for the investment of certain funds 55, 71, 161. -"- creating the village of Brunswick into a Corporation for certain purposes 56, 59, 67, 70, 96, 229. -"- to regulate the execution of the punishment of death 56, 87, 102, 175, 204, 267, 295, 301, 387. -"- to abolish imprisonment for debt, 70, 79, 266, 346, 447, 454, 469. -"- giving power to the County Commissioners for the County of York to lay out a road over Saco river 86. 95. 132. -"- to incorporate the proprietors of Mt. Desert Bridge 86, 95, 108, 118. -"- to incorporate the proprietors of Madrid 86, 95, 118. -"- to increase the Capital Stock of Maine Bank 86, 95, 118. -"- authorizing the erection of Dams in the town of George town in the County of Lincoln 86, 96, 108. -"- authorizing the erection of a Dam across Parker's Bay in the town of Phipsbury 87, 96. 108. -"- to provide for the sale and distribution of the ministerial and School Lands in plantation No. 1 Oxford County, 87, 96, 108.