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�Camp White Plains July 20, 1778


You are being appointed a Deputy Muster Master, in that part of the Army. No Masters whereof are under my immediate superintendance, will, in the execution of that office, be pleased to attend to the Articles of War and the subsequent Resolutions of Congress and the following and such other directions as you may from Time to Time, receive from Colo. Ward or myself.

As I suppose you are well acquainted with the Notices company to have this Brigade, Regiment, or Corps, to be mustered, prepared for that Purpose, I shall only confine myself to the company instructions, with respect to the forms of the muster rolls and your conduct at and after the muster.

The Rolls are to be drawn exactly agreeable to the Forms and Instructions here with delivered You, without Variation, either with respect to Form, or Substance and are herewith delivered.