Easily drove back to thair works 129
Then we were ordered back to the left to support the 2d corps. We took a position in the filed in front of the works, and lay a while, then we were orderd back to the works. We were double-quicked from place to place all the afternoon, and just at night we went to the front where they were fighting quite short. A part of our brigade was put into the front line, but our regt was left in reserve to support a battery. We lay thair until dark when the rebs fell back and the firing. We then fell back to the works and marched to camp. On the field, I saw Orrin Hastin one of the men of the 1st Me heavy artillery, that was wounded by a spent ball in the side so that he spit blood. I saw a number of the same regt that I was acquainted with.
26th An occasional shot fired on the picket line in the morning.
24th We are under marching orders and expect to move soon.