Dixfield. :·aine ,:3-ec-e1":ber 7, 1S40 .
Office of tL~ \djutant General, "Uf-Usta,:'ain e, l\.tt:C:=i:;:it.~ly de ·1 . ::etcalf. !:y :Jear Sir:
'\.~ contact r'm for the group to guard· against subsersive activities here I respectfully report to you the follov:ing; Cne l,:aurice 71 . Carl,Civil 'Sngineer and a former eoployee of tte ~~flst-~orste r-Dixfield 8o~pany,Las left for safe keeping ri t11 a resice:nt r.ere a series of r:-.a;_)s and re~x)rts c.ealir..g vvi th tl:.e cor,y of his r::emoranda co:icer::.:ing sar.-;e is e1 closed. Fru:ara :anal . ~heir dates might tnai~ate no present sign.ificaLce cut if you desire to creek further I ,.;11 place you in contect with the keeper of these .,...,_a"'s and furnish any additional inforf"lation wLicl you. migtt desire. The second case concerns one Daniel '.'l . I'riem;l1e admits bis ryro-_-azi senti~ents and has bee:i. knon:_ to rr.ake some virulent cr-i ticisl!l of all thinr-s merica."'1 . ':~e is a native of re1 . .nsylvania, autorr'obile 1 i cense numcef 89~ R C, a.-rid w .i.at his real business here is nobody seel!ls to know. I'he people v'here he boarded can f'..lrnisl1 detailed accou~t oi' his r-igr.tly activities. ,. or t1 e time beiri.g e is staying ir Gor~am,: ev' raripsLire;hi. s address beir:d general delivery ~.t that place 71
,Jn.;:1. :::ust:.s,
- Jixfie ld, I.:aine