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2 charged with the commission of a crime within her jurisdiction seriously affecting the security of the property of her citizens. After fully weighing the reasons assigned for this refusal, reluctantly passed an act the effect of which would have been to have suspended all intercourse between these States. For reasons which will be communicated to the next Legislature, which will shortly assemble, this act did not receive the Executive assent, This I state that you may be apprised of the deep feeling of the people of Georgia on this subject. I am pleased to find in your correspondence with my predecessor the following remarks - " I beg leave to assure you that this opinion is not formed in reference to the nature of the property alleged to have been stolen, or to the particular relations existing in your State, and which in some degree are connected with this question. I fully recognize the Consitutional right of Georgia to enact her own penal laws, and to make that a crime which is unknown to our laws as such, and to demand fugitives from justice. I place the case upon the sole ground of the fair construction of the constitution in this particular, irrespective of peculiar and particular circumstances which may become connected with the discussion." This narrows the case down to the single point, whether the persons accused are fugitives from justice within the meaning of the Constitution. Of this I beg leave to State, with due defer