Friday, Jan. 13. 50.
Petition of Abiel H. Kennedy and others, and Mark Trafton, Agent in behalf of the Penobscot Indians, praying that an Indian Manual Labor School may be established on Orson Island; -"- of Eleazer Packard and others, praying for a High School in Houlton, severally read and referred to the Committee on Literature and Literary Institutions: Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.
Bill additional for the regulation of Banks and Banking; -"- for the further regulation of Banks; -"- additional to increase the tax on banks; -"- to incorporate the Maine Farmer's Loan and Trust Company; Petition of George Stevens and others, for a bank at Bluehill; -"- of William Vance and others for a bank and High School at Readfield severally read and referred to the Committee on Banks and Banking. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.