[page 768] Q. He used to say he was? A. he had the reputation of it among the hands in the fire room and engine room. Q. How many hands has he under him? A. I dont know how many he has now. Q. How many had he when you were there A. There were 4 I believe. Q. What is the distance from the coal pile to the boilers, where this man had to wheel coal? A. When the coal sheds were full it was not a very great distance. I cannot estimate the number of feet; perhaps from 100 to 150 or more from where he took the coal in the pile. By Mr. Oaks: Q. You say he went down into the mud where it was 6 inches deep? A. In some places. Q. Were there planks by there? A. Yes, sir. Q. Did you ever lay him a plank? A. I laid some plank there after I found out how it was I dont know whether he went on them or not. Q. Had the opportunity of going or then did he? A. Yes sir By Mr. Baker: Q. How long has your father worked with Samson? A. Nearly 4 years I think.