[Genl Turner elected Major Genl of 4th Divis on part of Senate]
Major General of the 4th Division of the Militia of this State on their part, and request the concurrence of the House and then the Secretary withdrew.
[Resolve - Greenleaf maps]
Resolve for purchasing Greenleafs Reports came again from the Senate, that body insisting on their amendment - The House thereupon voted to insist on their nonconcurrence with the Senate in their amendments.
[South Berwick Bank]
The Charter of the South Berwick Bank granted Fed. 8. 1822 surrendered by the persons mentioned in said corporation - was in Senate considered & the surrender accepted and the same ordered to be filed in the Secretary's office - and sent down for concurrence - and the House concurred.
[Report - James Lord & als]
The report on the petition of James Lord & als was laid on the table - The House reconsidered their vote of 15th inst. whereby they concurred the Senate in granting the petitioners leave to withdraw & referred the subject to messrs McCobb, Moulton, Bodwell, McKown, Butterfield.