referring the report on the subject of the Augusta deed &c was passed - Mr Williams requested the House so far to dispense with the rules & orders as to allow him to make the motion for a reconsideration at this time - but the House referred.
[Petition -]
Petition of James Dinsmore & al in behalf of Anson Academy for an extension of the time allowed them to complete their funds was read & referred to the committee on so much of the Governors message as relates to Literature &c - Sent up for concurrence
Petition of Judah West & al for repeal of the laws relating to the fishery in Union river, was read & referred to the committee on Interior fisheries. Sent up for concurrence.
Petition of Nath' Jordan of Richmond Island in Cumberland County to be exempted from military duty - was read and referred to the committee on military offices. Sent up for concurrence
Petition of John Andrew of Paris, to be paid sundry expenses incurred at a Court martial, was read & referred to the Committee on Accounts, Sent up for concurrence.
Petition of Jacob Goodwin & al of Shaleigh to be annexed to Lebanon - was read & referred to the committee on the incorporation of towns. Sent up for concurrence.
Petition of Henry Norton & al of New Portland for leave to sell public lands in Saco town to build a bridge } - of Alfred gates & al of the County of Penobscot for a road - of John Curtis of Perry for a title to the land he occupies - were severally read & referred to to committee on State Land. Sent up for concurrence.
Petition of Sarah Pike of Biddeford for leave to convey certain real estate - of Winthrop G & Rchael Farnier [?] of Bath to make valid their marriage - of Edward Russel & al of North Yarmouth to have the proceedings of