The committee on engrossed bills reported as duly engrossed, Bill - to apportion & assess on this State a tax of $45129"57 - additional to an act concerning foreign attachment - to change the names of sundry persons - which were severally passed to be enacted. Sent up for concurrence.
[Bill - States Prison]
Bill providing for the government of the States Prison & for the Punishment of Convicts, was taken up - and the vote adopting and adhering to the amendment between K & L reconsidered, & the Bill as amended by the Senate at Z passed to be engrossed in concurrence.
[Resolve - contingent Expenses]
Resolve making an appropriation for contingent expenses, read twice & passed to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence
[Bill - real actions]
Bill entitled an additional act relating to real actions, reported by Mr Ruggle, chairman of a select committee of this House, was read owe & referred to the next Legislature & the same ordered to be published by the Clerk in the Eastern Argus.
[Resolve - final for state]
Resolve authorizing the Treasurer to purchase fuel for the use of the State, was laid on the table by Isaac Adams on leave obtained for that purpose - read twice & passed to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence.
[Bill - dormant titles -]
Bill to prevent the buying & selling of dormant titles was read a 2d time & tomorrow at 9 oclock assigned for a 3d reading.
[Resolve - lands of matinicus.]
Resolve providing for the appointment of agents to give deeds to owners & possessor of lands on the Island of Matinicus, came from the Senate refused a passage - The House reconsider their former vote passing the same and concur the Senate.
The Senate appointed messrs Chandler, Steele & Dunlap a