had reconsidered their vote accepting said report & amended the same by granting an order of notice on the petition - The House adhered to their former vote & nonconcurred the Senate in granting an order of notice.
[Resolve - Herbert T Moore]
Resolve in favor of Herbert T Moore, (laid on the table on leave given) was read twice & passed to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence.
The committee on engrossed Bills reported as duly engrossed Bills - additional respecting the inspection of Beef, Pork &c - to change the name of Ligonia - additional for providing & regulating Prisons - additional to an act for the regulation of Inholders, Retailers { and Common Victuallers } - altering the times of holding the Court of Common Pleas in the { County of Oxford - } which were severally passed to be enacted. Sent up for concurrence.
[Resolve, finally passed.]
The same committee reported as duly engrossed - Resolves - providing for the choice of Electors of President & Vice President - confirming the doings of the 1st Parish in Lebanon - in favor of Joseph Griffin - making an appropriation for contingent expenses - appropriating money for the support of the States Prison - authorizing the Treasurer to purchase fuel for the use of the State - which were finally passed. Sent up for concurrence.
[Bill - dormant titles -]
Bill to prevent the buying & selling of dormant titles - was read a 3d time & passed to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence.
[Resolve - State arsenal]
Resolve providing for a State arsenal, was read twice & passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the Senate.
[Report - Saml Taylor & al]
Report on the petition of Samuel Taylor & als referring the subject to the next Legislature, came from the Senate accepted for concurrence & the House concurred.