Wednesday January 29th 1823.
Met according to adjournment. Journal read.
[Report - Arthur McArthur & als]
The committee on the petitions of Arthur McArthur & als - also of Nathl Dana & als, - reported a Resolve - & the report was accepted.
[Resolves - Deaf & Dumb -]
Resolve to ascertain the number of Deaf & Dumb persons in this State, was read and passed to be engrossed - Sent up for concurrence.
[pets - Athenaen Society &c - Bethlehem Lodge]
Petitions of Athenaen Society of Bowdoin College to be incorporated, - also - of Bethlehem Lodge to be incorporated, were read and referred to the committee on the incorporation of Parishes & other religious Societies &c &c. Sent up for concurrence.
[Bill - incorp. Milburn -]
Bill to incorporate the town of Milburn, was read a third time & passed to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence.
[Resolve - Amos Nichols]
Resolve in favor of Amos Nichols, was read a second time and passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the Senate.
[Resolve - release of lands to John Perham.]
Resolve authorizing the Release of certain lands to John Perham, was read & passed to engrossed. - Sent up for concurrence.
[Committee - regular Herring fishery]
On motion of Mr Mowry Ordered, that Messrs Mowry, Richardson, & Chase, be a committee to consider the expediency of altering an act entitled an act further regulating the Herring fishery, with leave to report by bill or otherwise - read and passed.