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[1825 January 5]

several Towns and Plantations in this State. Sent down for concurrence, came up concurred, and Messrs. Russell, Benson, Page, Blaney and Bragdon were joined.

[Messages how transmitted]

On motion of Mr. Parsons of Lincoln Ordered, that all Messages between the two Houses of the Legislature be transmitted by the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House of Representatives, respectively, and that all papers be transmitted by them or their assistants. Sent down for concurrence and came up concurred.

[Report on Rules & Regulations]

Mr. Dunlap from the Committee upon that subject, reported a set of Rules and Regulations for the Senate during the session of the present Legislature, which were read and accepted, and on motion, Ordered that the Secretary procure to be printed, for the use of the Senate, one hundred copies of the Rules and Orders just reported.

[Order for choice of Chaplain]

On motion of Mr. Ripley Ordered that tommorrow [tomorrow] at 10 O clock be assigned for coming to the choice of a Chaplain for the Senate and that Nomination Lists be suspended in the Senate Chamber.

On motion of Mr. Green, Ordered that the Senate hold two sessions each day till otherwise ordered, to commence at half past 9 O clock A.M. and at 3 O clock P.M.

[Order concerning Seats]

Mr. Stebbins from the Committee upon that subject, reported that the Secretary of the Senate be directed to prepare tickets suitably numbered, that each Senator may draw for the number of