149 Tuesday January 28th 1834
Met according to adjournment
Petition of N.E. Paine and als for an academy at Sanford was read and referred to the committee on Literary Institutions - sent up for concurrence.
Report on Petition of Samuel Andrews & others
on Petition of sundry inhabitants of Otisfield - Harrison - Bridgton - Sebago and Raymond granting an Order of Notice were read and accepted in concurrence with the Senate - sent up.
Report on Petition of D.B. Glines and others
on Petition of sundry inhabitants of Farmington and other towns for a new County granting on each leave to withdraw were read and accepted in concurrence with the Senate - sent up.
Bill to incorporate the Nequamkeag Mill Dam Company came from the Senate for concurrence they having reconsidered their former vote passing the same to engrossed - further amend the same as on sheet annexed marked D - pass the same to be again engrossed. The House having reconsidered their former vote passing the same to be engrossed adopt the amendment of the Senate