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[upper right corner] 19 appointed a Committee to receive, sort and count the votes for two Senators for the Tenth Senatorial District; who, having attended the duties assigned them, reported that the whole number of votes is 187. Necessary to a choice [space] 94. James Manton has 120, Charles Green " 120, Levi Johnson " 67, Obed Wilson " 67. Whereupon James Mantor and Charles Green were declared duly elected, and the Convention separated.

In Senate. [underlined, bold, centered header] On motion of Mr. Clark, Ordered, [underlined] that the Secretary of the Senate notify James Mantor and Charles Green that they have been Constitutionally elected Senators to fill the vacan- cies in the tenth Senatorial District, and request their immediate attendance at the Senate Board.

On motion of Mr. Clark, Ordered, that when the Senate adjourn it be till tomorrow morning at ten o'clock.

On motion of Mr. Randall, Ordered, that a message be sent to the House or Rep- resentatives proposing a Convention of the two branches of the Legislature in the Representative's Hall tomorrow morning at eleven o'clock, for the purpose of choosing Counsellors [bold] and a Secretary of State [bold] for the current political year; which message was delivered by the Secretary. Adjourned. [underlined, bold] Attest, William Trafton, Secretary. [underlined, bold]