Bill to incorporate the Penobscot Bridge _______ additional respecting the Winthrop Bank _______ incorporating the Harpswell Soap Stone Company _______ to authorize certain persons to build a Bridge over the Kenduskeag Stream in the town of Bangor were severally read a first and second time and tomorrow at ten o'clock assigned for a third reading
Resolve in favour of Penobscot Tribe of Indians _______ to amend the Constitution relative to the time of the annual sessions of the Legislature and the time of the annual State elections were read once and tomorrow at ten o'clock assigned for a second reading
Bill to incorporate the Bowmans Point Horse Ferry Company was read a first and second time and Friday was assigned for a third reading
Bill relative to Broad Rimmed Wheels was read a second time and Wednesday next at ten o'clock assigned for a third reading
Bill fixing the time of taking the valuation for the purpose of assessment of Taxes - was read once and Friday next assigned for a second reading
Bill to exempt certain implements of Husbandry