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or notes was taken up - and the title of the Bill so amended as to read An Additional Act to regulate Banks, by prohibiting the emission and circulation of Bank Bills or notes, of a small denomination passed March 11, 1835. Mr Purinton moved further to amend by striking out the word "Three" and inserting "Five" in lieu there of in first Section 8th line; and the question of so amending, being ordered to be taken by yeas and nays, was decided in the affirmative, as follows, to wit, Yeas. Messrs. Clark, Frye, Greene, Johnson, Kelsey, Mantor, Merrow, Miller, Purinton, Strickland, Talbot and Weeks. 12. Nays. Messrs. Allen, Benson, Jarvis Jewett, McIntire, Pierce, Robinson, Severance and Spear 9. And said Bill was further amended, and the same on motion of Mr. Merrow was ordered to lie on the table.

The Committee on Engrossed Bills reported as correctly engrossed, Bill to alter and establish the dividing line between the towns of Freedom and Montville; Bill to set off Nathaniel Carril from the town of Warren and annex him to Camden; -"- restricting the powers of County Commissioners in certain cases, and the same were severally passed to be enacted.