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Thursday, January 22, 1835.

Petition of the town of Surry for the removal of the Shire town of the County of Hancock from Castine to Ellsworth came up. The House insisting on their vote of the 20th inst. referring said petition to the Committee on the Division and Alteration of Counties, and said petition, on motion of Mr. Emmons, was ordered to lie on the table.

Petition G. F. Cox and B. J. Herrick, Committee of the Maine Wesleyan Seminary for aid ..... read and referred to the Committee on Literature and Literary institutions, in concurrence.

On motion of Mr. Miller, Ordered, that the Joint Standing Committee on Literary Institutions be directed to inquire into the expediency of providing by law, that persons, who may hereafter, at any time, come to reside in this State, who may not have been assessed for the support of chools [schools] in such district, shall be entitled to all the privileges of the schools in such district, in like manner as the other inhabitants of said district are, until such persons, so coming to reside, shall be assessed in such school district .... read and passed. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

Petition of Elisha Hilton and others for an appropriation to keep the Canada Road in repair - read and referred to the Committee on State Roads, in concurrence.

Petition of "Cumberland Steam Navigation Company" for increase of Capital Stock - - - read & referred to the Committee on Banks and Banking, in concurrence.