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Met according to adjournment.

Mr Lowell of East Machias was excused from serving on the committee to whom was referred the petition of the town of Liberty and Mr Cilley of Thomaston was appointed in his stead.

Resolve in favor of the Trustees of the Massachusetts Society for promoting Agriculture, was read once and Tuesday next at 10 oclock assigned for a 2nd reading.

Bill directing the mode in which meetings of corporations may be called in certain cases, was read 1st and 2nd time and Monday next at 10 oclock assigned for a 3rd reading

Report on an order relative to Secretary of States compensation for personal services and Clerk hire, that legislation on the subject is inexpedient, was read and accepted in concurrence with the Senate.

Bill An Act in addition to an Act entitled An Act to incorporate the town of Naples, passed March 4th, was read 1st and 2nd time and Monday next at 10 oclock assigned for a 3rd reading.

Bill An Act, in addition to an act to incorporate the Augusta and Bangor Stage Company reported by the Committee on the Judiciary, was read and 1st and 2nd time and Monday next at 10 oclock assigned for a 3rd reading

Resolve in favor of Joshua Elder, came from the Senate, in a new Draft, was read twice and passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the Senate.

Bill to incorporate Stillwater Canal Bank, was