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238 ordering notice, was read and accepted in concurrence with the Senate.

Bill an act to repeal an act entitled an act additional to an act to an act to provide for the Education of Youth, was read 1st and 2nd time and Thursday next at 10 oclock assigned for a 3rd reading.

Bill to incorporate the Orono Company was read a 3rd time and passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the Senate.

On motion by Hyde of Bath

 Ordered, That the committee on the Judiciary be instructed to enquire into the expediency of so altering the law entitled "An act to secure to owners their property in Logs, Masts, Spars and other Timber" approved April 1st 1831, as to allow a longer period of time to said owners of Logs act to remove the same from any improved lands on which they may be lodged by freshets: and of allowing the owner of said lands, a suitable compensation for hauling said logs etc to the stream or other water from which they may have been carried by freshet, and also any damages he may have sustained by their remaining on his land. Sent up for concurrence.

Petition of Jedidiah Darling Junr for leave to change his name, was read and referred to the committee on change of names.

Mr Whitney of Jonesboro has leave of absence from and after Wednesday next during the remainder of the session.

Bill to incorporate the Proprietors of the Merry Meeting Bridge, was read twice and recommitted