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of training and reviews - read and passed in concurrence.

Agreeably to assignment, the Report of the Committee on Banks and Banking was taken up; and the Senate, on motion of Mr Jarvis, reconsider their vote of Wednesday, whereby they "ordered that the question, when taken, on the acceptance of said Report, shall be by yeas and nays." And said Report was read and sent down.

The Report of the Bank Commissioners, on motion of Mr. Jewett, was taken up and referred to the Committee on Banks and Banking. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

Mr. Jewett from the Committee on Incorporation of Towns, to which was referred the petition of Charles Leavens and others, made a report recommending the reference of said petition to the Committee on Division of Towns. - read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

Mr. Merrow from the Committee on Division of Towns, reported leave to withdraw on petition of Enoch Craig Jr. and others, Ezekiel Poor and others and Selectmen of Montville; and notice to next Legislature on petition of C. M. Cobb and others - read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

The same Committee (on the part of the House) reported notice to next Legislature on petition of Thomas Clark and others, - read and accepted in concurrence.