Petition of Arthur McArthur and others, praying that the doings of the proprietors of the Social Library in the town of Limington may be made valid -- read and referred to the Committee on the Judi- ciary, in concurrence.
Petition of Warren Rice praying to be ex- empted from paying to the County Treasurer that part of the fees of the office of Register of Deeds required by law -- read and referred to the Lincoln Delegation, in concurrence.
Petition of Wheeler and Perkins and others, praying to be incorporated for the purpose of manufacturing lumber as a mining Com- pany with powers to construct a Railway -- read and referred to the Committee on Rail Roads and Lands, in concurrence.
Petition of Abner Mitchell and others, praying for an alteration in the Militia Law -- read and referred to the Committee on the Militia, in concurrence.
Communication from the Land Agent re- specting John Mason -- read and referred to the Committee on Military Pensions in concurrence.
The Committee on Parishes reported legislation unnecessary on an order rela- tive to alteration of the law respecting Par- ishes -- read and accepted in concurrence.
The Committee on Division of Towns re-