Sent down for concurrence.
Bill to incorporate the Bastien Steam Mill Company; -"- to incorporate the Proprietors of the Goose River company severally read the second time and amended, and the same on motion of Mr. Frye were ordered to lie on the table.
Bill additional respecting Manufacturing Companies was taken up, and the same on motion of Mr. Jarvis was ordered to lie on the table till tomorrow at ten o'clock.
Resolve in favor of Elisha Hilton was read the second time and the same on motion of Mr. Fish was ordered to lie on the table.
Bill defining certain rights and duties of Rail Road Corporations (reported by Mr. Clark from the Committee on Rail Roads and Canals on an order passed Jan. 12. relative to a general Act defining the rights and duties of Canal and Rail Road Corporations (read and 500 copies of said Bill on motion of Mr. Clark were ordered to be printed for the use of the Legislature. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.
Bill to regulate Banks and other Corporations and to prohibit the emission and circulation of certain Bank Bills on Notes (reported by Mr. Jarvis from the Committee on Banks and Banking on so much of the Governor's message as relates to small Bank Bills, the Memorial of the Directors and Stockholders of the Manufacturers Bank, Saco. and on an order of Jan. 13.